Financial Assistance
Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club
Fee Assistance Policy (Interim)
February 2024
The Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club (OFSC) understands the importance of any individual having equal opportunity to participate in its soccer programs and enjoy the benefits of being active. To help make this possible, the Club will provide financial assistance to qualified applicants for most Club programs, when fiscally possible.
The OFSC’s default approach to requests for financial assistance will be to arrange full payment of fees by installment. Requests to reduce or waive fees will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Board of Directors. In call cases, the final decision on fee assistance requests shall be made by the Board of Directors.
As an initial step, all Fee Assistance requests must be submitted to the Team Coach/Manager, who will refer it to the relevant Program Director for furtherance to the Board. Applicants shall be notified by email as to the status of the request within 10 business days of the Board receiving the request. In addition to Club assistance, individual teams may also choose to support players. There are no refunds on fee assistance.
All the information collected by OFSC to support a request for financial assistance is done so confidentially and solely for the purposes of evaluating financial need.
Drafted: February 2024