Whistleblower Policy

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Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club

Whistleblower Policy (Interim)

February 2024

Article 1 General  

1.0   Purpose – The purpose of this Policy is to allow individuals to have a discrete and safe procedure by which they can disclose incidents of wrongdoing without fear of unfair treatment or reprisal. 

1.2   Application – This Policy applies to individuals that observe or experience incidents of wrongdoing and report such incident or observations under the expectation of privacy.   

1.3   Wrongdoing – Wrongdoing may include but is not limited to:

a) Violating the law;

b) Breaching Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club Policies; 

c) Ignoring risks to the life, health, or safety of a participant, volunteer, Worker, or other individual;

d) Directing an individual to commit a crime, a breach of an Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club policy, or other wrongful act; or

e) Fraud.    

Article 2 Ongoing Attention    

2.1   Pledge

1. The Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club pledges not to dismiss, penalize, discipline, or retaliate or discriminate against any individual who discloses information or submits, in good faith, information under the terms of this Policy. 

2. Any individual affiliated with the Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club who breaks this Pledge will be subject to disciplinary action.     

Article 3 Application   

3.1   Reporting Wrongdoing – An individual who believes an incident of wrongdoing has occurred should prepare a report that includes the following: 

a) Written description of the act or actions that comprise the alleged wrongdoing, including the date and time of the action(s); 

b) Identities and roles of other individuals who may be aware of, affected by, or complicit in, the wrongdoing; and  

c) Why the act or action should be considered to be wrongdoing    

3.2   Authority – The President of the Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club shall receive reports made under this Policy. In the event that the President is the subject of the report, another member of Board, who is not the subject of the report, shall receive the report.    After receiving the report, the individual receiving the report has the responsibility to:

a) Assure the individual of the Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club Pledge

b) Connect the individual to an alternate liaison if the individual feels that the designated recipient of the report cannot act in an unbiased or discrete manner due to the individual’s role with the Ottawa Falcon’s Soccer Club and/or the content of the report

c) Determine if the report is frivolous, vexatious, or not submitted in good faith (e.g., the submission of the report is motivated by personal interests and/or the content of the report is obviously false or malicious) 

d) Determine if the Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club’s Whistleblower Policy applies or if the matter should be handled under Ontario Soccer’s Discipline and Complaints Policy or other applicable policy. 

e) Described the implications and requirements of the use of other Ontario Soccer policies (Discipline and Complaints, Dispute Resolution, etc.).  

f) Determine if the local police service be contacted 

g) Determine if mediation or alternate dispute resolution can be used to resolve the issue 

h) Determine if the Ottawa Falcons Soccer Club’s Board of Directors should or can be notified of the report

i) Begin an investigation  

 3.3   Confidentiality – Confidentiality at all stages of the procedures outlined in this Policy is required.  An individual who intentionally breaches the confidentiality clause of this Policy will be subject to disciplinary action.     

Drafted: February 2024

